Repossession & Debt Recovery Agents
Ceatta Ltd are trusted as a professional, reliable and compliant company to carry out a range of recovery activities for Finance Companies, Banks and other credit lending facilities and business’s within the U.K. We specialise, and have a wealth of experience, within all aspects of the Repossession and Recovery Industry; key management have over 48 years combined experience within the industry.
Excellent Success Rates
We maintain successful outcome rates and we believe in maintaining high professional standards and fairness and firmly believe this contributes to our maintained success rate.
48 Years Experience
We specialise, and have a wealth of experience, within all aspects of the Repossession and Recovery Industry; key management have over 48 years combined experience within the industry.
Established Reputation
Over the years we have established an enviable reputation as an effective, fair and proactive repossession company and pride ourselves on providing the very best service to all our clients
Who We Are and What We Do
Ceatta Ltd are trusted as a professional, reliable and compliant company to carry out a range of recovery activities for Finance Companies, Banks and other credit lending facilities and business’s within the U.K. We specialise, and have a wealth of experience, within all aspects of the Repossession and Recovery Industry; key management have over 48 years combined experience within the industry.
We have been providing our services for over 19 years, and retain a client base that is ever increasing, and includes client’s we have been providing services to since business commencement. This is a fact that we are highly proud of, and re-assures any prospective clients that we are an excellent quality service provider within the industry. Ceatta were also the first repossession company to custom design and commission a fully interactive portal within the repossession industry. The Company remains privately owned which allows us to remain hands-on and tailor our services to meet each client’s individual needs and requirements.
Over the years we have established an enviable reputation as an effective, fair and proactive repossession company and pride ourselves on providing the very best service to all our clients. We deliver a professional, efficient, and fair service, always ensuring that our high standards are maintained at all times. All of our staff maintain our Company ethos of treating customers fairly and uphold the highest levels of customer service towards our client’s customers.
Our belief in openness and transparency within our work, and industry, ensures that our clients and their customers receive a professional and fair service every time.
All Regulated services are carried out in line and compliant with the Financial Conduct Authority’s rules, regulations and guidelines.

We have always been committed, and strive to provide an excellent service to our clients. We aim to maintain our reputation as an excellent company to deal with, who is compliant, fair, reliable, professional and delivers results, always ensuring that expected high standards are maintained at all times.
Our clients receive regular maintained and accessible case history on all instructions received. All assets recovered have accompanying vehicle condition reports and photographs, and we attempt to recovery all keys and associated vehicle /asset documentation upon recovery.
This service is available to Ceatta Clients enabling instant status information, thus ensuring client and agent interaction throughout the collections process.
Client Login
Careers at Ceatta Ltd
We have an experienced and committed team who strive to deliver the best service to both clients and customers. If you would like to be part of our team you can find any current vacancies here.
If we have attempted to contact you, please get in touch with us, you can either telephone our office or the agent assigned to your case. We can then discuss our clients instruction, your circumstances and also what options may be available to you based on our client’s instruction. If you would like to arrange a convenient time for us to attend please contact us, and we will aim to make suitable arrangements.
If you are wishing to make a complaint please contact us as soon as possible. We have a company complaint handling procedure and will endeavour to resolve matters fairly and within a small time frame. A copy of our complaints procedure is available upon request.
Free, impartial help and advice is available for consumers; we have listed such organisations below to assist you.
We have also listed some FAQ’s below which may assist you. Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
We will have been instructed to do so by our client, usually as they will have exhausted their own avenues of attempting to contact you by letter/telephone and email. The instruction is usually with regards to arrears due to your creditor; our Client. Any options available to you will be dependent upon our client’s instruction. Income and expenditure will be taken into account where debt re-payment plans are considered an option. Other reasons for contact may also have been instructed. Please don’t worry as we will always treat you fairly, and try to resolve the instruction as quickly as possible. Please contact us to discuss our instruction.
No we are not bailiffs, we will not take any other possessions to sell to clear your agreement, loan or debt and do not have any need to enter your house.
We have acted on our client (your creditor / lender) instruction to repossess your vehicle, after your agreement was terminated. Ceatta Ltd will have delivered the vehicle to our clients designated delivery site for sale. Proceeds from the sale of the vehicle/asset will go to your creditor / lender. Once allocated to your agreement, they will notify you in writing of any outstanding balance you may still owe.
If you were present at the time of the repossession / recovery of the vehicle, you will have been asked and given the opportunity to remove all personal belongings and you will also have been asked to signed to confirm this. If you were not present, then the agent will have photographed through all windows of the vehicle showing any items within view, and these items will have also been listed. All and any items left inside the vehicle, remain in the vehicle upon delivery to our clients designated delivery site. Please contact your creditor to find out how to retrieve any belongings left in the vehicle, they will assist you in retrieving them.
All Ceatta agents carry a Ceatta Identification Card at all times. The ID card will state the agent name and will show a photograph of the agent. You should be shown this upon contact with an agent in attendance. If you would like to verify with us, the agent in attendance, please contact us on 0333 4567999 (local rate). This telephone number is also present on the ID card.
If your financial circumstances have changed you should contact us to enable a realistic approach to your arrears situation. We will be able to discuss any options that may be available to you regrading our clients instruction, and advise our client of your current situation. You can also seek free independent help and advice to discuss your financial situation.
You can contact our office or the agent assigned to your case to discuss our instruction and our reason for contact. Free Impartial help and advice is also available from a number of organisation. You can find how to contact them on this page.
Please contact us to let us know, we can then attempt to establish the full details and make investigations.
Please contact us to let us know. We can then document the details and attempt to establish the correct address.
Treating customers fairly is at the heart of our business and we aim to maintain our high level of customer service, and are committed to the Financial Conduct Authority’s principle of ‘Treating Customers Fairly’ (TCF). We aim to act on our clients instructions and decisions whilst also ensuring customers receive forbearance and due consideration to their individual circumstances.
You can contact us by telephone or email.
Should you be experiencing financial difficulties please do not ignore the problem – you need to act now. Independent debt advice can be obtained by contacting organisations that offer free confidential and impartial help & advice. Below is a list of such organisations, some of which regulators recommend. Please be open and honest about your debt situation to enable their trained staff to give you help and advice. Please note, we are not responsible for the content, security or the Privacy Polices of third party sites, and have no control over other third party websites.
- Citizens Advice
For advice and information on debt and other topics contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or visit
- Money Advice Service
Telephone 0300 500 5000 to speak to a money adviser or visit for access to advice, information and money tools.
- National Debtline
For advice & information if you live in England, Scotland & Wales, telephone 0808 808 4000 or visit
- Money Advice Scotland
If you live in Scotland you can find contact details for debt advice in your local area by telephoning 0141 572 0237 or visit
- StepChange Debt Charity
Telephone 0800 138 1111 for debt advice throughout the UK or visit
- Advice UK
Telephone 0300 777 0107 or visit
- Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)
If you have a complaint and are unable to resolve it with your lender the FOS may be able to help. Telephone 0300 123 9123 or visit
- Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
For consumer help and guidance telephone 0800 111 6768 or visit
Privacy Policy
We are committed to protecting and respecting your data privacy, we have created a Privacy policy summary for Customers subject to our involments with them which will provide you with relevant information.
Privacy Policy Summary
Privacy Policy Summary for Customers subject to our involvement with them
Ceatta aims to always show transparency and fairness in the possessing, use and collection of data. As a Company it is necessary for us to process, use, collect and, where relevant or necessary, share personal data. This is required not only to enable us to provide the services we do, but also to maintain and manage company records and comply with legal and regulatory obligations and requirements.
We adhere to the Principles of Data Protection and take the safety and security of any data we hold extremely seriously. We treat any personal information securely, fairly and lawfully. This is a summary of our Privacy Policy regarding Data we process, use, obtain and store, it is designed to give you relevant information at a glance, including; why we process data, what data we process, data sharing and your rights.
Our staff who handle, manage, and maintain personal information are trained to do so and are also fully aware and understand their legal and contractual obligations and responsibilities regarding Data Protection.
Who we are and what we do
Ceatta Limited is a repossession and debt recovery company. We provide our services to Finance Companies, Banks, other credit providing facilities, other companies, and individuals. Some of the services we provide are repossession or recovery of client’s assets, collection of monies owed to them, enquiry and investigations services, process serving and other enforcement actions.
Why we process personal information
The services we perform requires us to process personal data. Our Client will share with us your personal data, for us to process to carry out their instruction. Whilst carrying out the client’s instruction we will also process additional data and information to maintain accurate up to date records. We have lawful basis for processing and controlling personal data, being; to comply with legal obligations, to exercise official authority, contractual obligations of data subject, consent (if consent is needed) and the legitimate interest necessary for us to process the information to maintain accurate and up to date records, which streamline and evidence the debt recovery and enforcement process for the data subject and our clients.
What personal information we process
We process and use a variety of personal data. This includes, but is not limited to, name, address, Date of Birth, email address, contact numbers, employment details and also may include photographic ID. Our clients will also provide us with relevant notes, legal documents and/or agreements, asset/vehicle details and details of monies due. We will also be provided with information concerning potential vulnerability and/or sensitive circumstances, for example a recent bereavement. This ensures forbearance and due consideration is being applied to your individual circumstances.
Additional data and information we process may include but is not limited to, up to date contact details (address, contact numbers, employment details), your current circumstances, including financial circumstances and, with your consent, any potential vulnerability or sensitive or mitigating circumstances relevant to you regarding our instruction to act.
How we use personal information
We use personal data to carry out our instructions, contact you and where and if necessary help us to carry out further investigations. We also use data to maintain and record up to date records.
How we gather personal information
Once our client has shared your data for us to process, we may gather additional information during the course of carrying out our client’s instructions. We may obtain and gather additional information directly from you, from our clients, from third parties and where necessary, from enquiries and investigations carried out whilst attempting to conclude our client’s instruction. Where appropriate and necessary we will carry out searches from publicly available sources, other data sources freely available in the public domain and via databases to which we have lawful access.
Sharing your personal information
Unless necessary, obligated by law, regulatory requirements, or compliance we will not share your data with anyone other than our client whose instruction we are acting under, other associated agents acting under our instruction, and any third party authorised by you.
The information we share with our clients will only be relevant and in accordance with their instruction, it will include updates and any other relevant information, which will include your updated contact and employment details if applicable. Our client will process any information we share with them to maintain accurate and up to date records.
We will never disclose information to unauthorised third parties or sell your information.
Please Note: We will disclose information to law enforcement departments in the event of actual, potential, or suspected criminal activity; including but not limited to acts of, or threats of, violence and / or aggression against our employees or others, or where we have a duty or are legally or regulatory obliged to do so.
Storing your personal information
We retain your data securely and only for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it is held. Different categories of Company information have their own retention periods set by the Company or Law. Retention periods are based on company requirements along with legal requirements and obligations and consider the Limitation Act 1980. We will not retain personal data for longer than deemed necessary. Our clients will have their own retention periods.
Your Rights
You have the right to object to how we process your personal data, access, rectify and correct any inaccurate or incorrect data. Where applicable you also have to right to withdraw consent at any time. In certain circumstances you may also have the right to object to the processing of your data, and have your data erased.
You can make complaints to the data protection supervisory authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office, at
Data Protection Verification Process
We take data security extremely seriously and ask you to assist in the security of your personal data, when we contact you, and when you contact us. Any information that we ask you to provide is needed in order to identify you to enable us to speak to you. You will be asked to confirm certain information and details which we hold to assist in verification. If you authorise a third party to speak on your behalf, they will also be required to go through a verification process.
Body Worn Video
For specific purposes and legitimate aims, including but not limited to health and safety and transparency, Staff use and activate Body Worn Video upon attendances.
Calls to our office
All calls made to our office are recorded for training and quality assurance purposes.
You can read a full version of our Privacy Policy (V5 10.21) here